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At Verdoleo, our mission is to ignite positive change and inspire a greener, more sustainable world. Our candles are meticulously handcrafted using recycled oil waste, giving new life to materials that would have otherwise ended up polluting our environment. By repurposing this waste, we not only minimise its negative impact but also contribute to a cleaner and greener planet. Born from a deep passion for the environment we have embarked on a challenging yet exciting goal to make sustainable living the norm.

We firmly believe that every decision we make, big or small, should reflect our dedication to preserving the planet we call home. Where our commitment to sustainability is at the very core of who we are and what we do. Our candles are beautiful inside and out with enchanting aromas, chique decor and clean burn- they are a symbol of our unwavering commitment to reducing waste and protecting the earth's ecosystem. As we deepened our knowledge on sustainability and uncovered the truly devastating effects of climate change, we became more and more eco-conscious, determined to make a difference through innovative ways to reduce our waste and promote sustainable practices.

Our goal is to do our part in contributing to the preservation of the earth's ecosystem. We know that improper disposal of household oils is a major issue, often leading to contamination of our planet's precious waterways. That's why we are committed to only using recycled oil. This also allows us to save over 1000 litres of water with every candle we pour.At Verdóleo, we are truly passionate about inspiring and empowering people to make positive changes towards a healthier and more sustainable planet. With our candles, you can indulge in luxurious scents while feeling good about protecting the earth. We invite you to join us on our journey towards a brighter, more eco-friendly future.